Mannerisms and Temperment.

11:21 AM Posted by rockrunner

One of the biggest problems with a blue heeler or red heeler is, people. It isn't that the dogs don't like people, it is that people mis-read the dogs or that people don't want to take responsibility for our actions. Combine that with ignorant mail carriers, paper boys, and judges and sometimes your dog just won't stand a chance.

As I mentioned in the previous blog entry, blue heelers or red heelers received their name from the fact that they nip at the heels of cattle, sheep, ducks to get them to move. This becomes a problem with people because people don't like being herded. Instead of being resourceful or trying to help the dog is classified as aggressive. Most people don't take time to make the connection that the dog was close enough to put its jowls on you but didn't break skin. If a dog is truly aggressive and can get that close to you, you would know it.

When you choose to get one of these dogs or if you are interested in getting one of these dogs, that is one thing you need to be aware of. Heelers, will "heel", this behavior although harmless, really needs to be controlled and corrected early. It is easier to correct your dogs behavior than the ignorance of others.

Queensland heelers are very, very protective dogs. I wouldn't have a problem leaving a million dollars in plain site, in my house, in the worlds worst neighborhood, with my heeler present. People won't get anywhere near your house without the dog alerting everyone within a three mile radius that there is someone out front. These dogs will protect life and property with the best of them.

Many people have stated that the Heeler isn't a very good dog for families or small children. This is a pretty big generalization that should probably be ignored at worst or taken on a case by case basis. Kizzy was the absolute best with children, my dog Levi and my mothers dog Komet, are great with kids. Sasha on the other hand doesn't like children and will choose to hide or seek shelter with the closest adult. If children still press her she will growl but has never ever snapped at a child.

Don't let any of these things deter you from a cattle dog, they are still the most amazing and loyal companions you can have.


chuckmaier said...

Absolutely perfectly stated. I love my heelers more then life. They love me the same. Incredible

Unknown said...

what are some differences between a red heeler and a blue heeler and add some things that people don't know about maybe

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